Spring making machine has many types, foe example the spring grinding machine. As we all know, everything need to be maintain, so dose the spring making machine. Here is the maintenance and servicing of spring grinding machine.
1.Some spring making machine has the insulation class.Spring grindingmachinesinsulation class isB,to allowtemperature andlength valueis95K,so the spring grinding machine working under the temperatureis not greater than95degreesare allnormalconditions.
2.Replaced with newwheels of spring making machine should be carefullychecked thesafety line speedofthe newwheelisconsistentwiththe provisions ofthe instructions, may not be usedasprovidedbelow. Properly installed andtightened the wheel,do not usea crackedwheel.Choose the rightwheel glue.
3.After replaced the wheels, be sure tocheck thewheeldiskis fullydeterminedonthetaper. And try to run spring grinding machine with no-loadfor 5 minutes and balancedwitha wheelknife. Soundshould be brisk when the wheel is running; vibration should not betoo large. When you are testing the spring making machine, people should stand onthe side of wheelto preventwheelbrokenand fly out to wound one.
4.Spring making machineworking placeshould bedry and well ventilated, can not store the chemical of acid-baseserious.
5.Spring grinding machinepartsfor wear ordamage should contactwithfactory.